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What is affiliate marketing? How to earn money

How to make money with affiliate marketing.

What is Affiliate marketing

I believe you already read or listen to the word "Affiliate marketing".
Affiliate marketing is a very easy way to earn cash Not small amount of cash. You can make thousands and thousands of dollar in this way. But it is not too easy a small hard work is needed for success. Now we have some questions in our minds!

What is affiliate marketing?

Types of Affiliate marketing?

Best places for the affiliate program?

Where to get customers or where to start?

What is affiliate marketing?

I give you a fine and simple definition. In affiliate marketing, you promote the products of any websites or E-commerce sites. You get the product link or information and promote it online when people buy any product you will get some commission from the site.

Basically, you are the broker between seller and buyer. Some times the
commission is very high more than 10%. In simple word If a product worth
of 100$ someone buys through you than you will get 7$ to 15$ commission.
But that depends on the product.

Type of affiliate marketing

There are many kinds of affiliate programs. That is totally different
from each other. These are!


PPC  is pay per click. When anybody or visitor clicks on the link the visitors redirected to the site which site link you promote. That is very good.


PPS stands for pay per sale. Most people use that method because in this method you get a good amount of commission. When any visitor clicks on the link you promoted HE/SHE goes to the product place if HE/SHE buy that the product you get the commission.


PPL is pay per lead. You will get money when a visitor gives contact information or signup to a particular site.


PPD is pay per Download. When any visitor Download app through your link then you get cash on every single download.

Best  programs

Many sites are offering an affiliate program. They want a unique visitor or customers.
You can do one thing only meet the buyer or visitors to the affiliate program you
make money while you sleep. Best program!

⇒Google Adsense

Google AdSense is a PPC network. You will make money when people click on the
advertisement. you get a good amount of money on every single click.

⇒Amazon, eBay

Amazon or eBay are famous E-commerce sites. They give this program with good
commission. These are the PPS affiliate system. you get cash when people bye the products. Ebay and Amazon are examples of the affiliate program but there are many e-commerce sites offering the program.


Where you can promote?

There are many options to promote products. Where you can promote the
product and get the visitor and buyer. These ARE!

BLOG or Website

The blog is the best place for the promotion of the products. You have
a good amount of visitor so you need to get started with this marketing.

Social media

I think social media is the best place for this. Because you could
reach millions and millions of people on a single day. Facebook is a very good place for marketing.

Email marketing

Email is another good way to get customers. You send email to the email list with product information.


In these days everyone needs money to live life easily. If you get any of the programs then you will need to reach the people to give them full information
but that is not really easy if you use good tricks that you can make sufficient
income. If you do for time pass than that will be not working for you. So if you want to earn sufficient you need to work hard.

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